Tilt Top Trailer Conversion Plans – 6′ and 6’10” Width

Build a Tilt Trailer by “Converting” one of our standard, single axle Utility Trailer Plans.  Works with our 6′ and 6’10” width, 3500# Trailer Plans, and is compatible with both leaf springs and torsion axles.

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Trailers with the ability to Release and Tilt can save a lot of work.  If you need a tilt top trailer, then these plans are for you.  So helpful for loading things like ATV’s, and for unloading like a mini-dump trailer.  Just add this conversion plan to your order.

These plans are not a “Power Dump”, but you can add that if you want.  This Tilt Top Conversion is an easy way to convert our standard fixed tongue trailer into one with the tilt top function.

It is not an accessory or an addition.  It fundamentally changes the trailer.  We call it a “conversion” because it converts our standard Fixed Tongue into a  Tilt by changing some things, and adding others.  Please Choose Your Trailer, then Get the Conversion Plans Also.  These plans fit our nominal 6′ and 6’10” width, 3500# trailers only (links below).  We also have conversion plans for our 4′ and 5′ width, 3500# trailers.

Make It A Tilt Trailer

This one set of tilt conversion plans has detail for converting several trailer sizes.  This fits the following utility trailer sizes at 3500 lbs capacity.  One set of tilt plans shows the conversion for all of these trailers (ONLY these trailers):

This one set of tilt conversion plans shows how to convert all of these trailers.  Since the trailer design is similar, the tilt function is too.  Each one is a little different, but the plans show the specifics for each of the above trailers.  And, it works for both axle styles — standard leaf springs, and a torsion axle.

These Tilt Top Conversion Plans also work with the Torsion Axle Conversion Plans.  Use both to make a Tilt Top Trailer with a Torsion Axle.

Making The Conversion

Tilt Trailer Extras

The nice part is the design allows all the normal options — like sides, rails, tie-bars, tailgate, deck options, etc. — from the original plans.  The only option to get nixed is the under trailer ramp storage.  All the others still work with this tilt top conversion.

Choose your trailer plans from the list above, then get these conversion plans also.  Yes, it is 2 sets of plans, and that gets you all the trailer design detail, as well as the conversion to a tilt top trailer.

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Fits 6′ and 6’10” Width, 3500# Utility Trailer Plans

  • This is NOT a trailer, it is a Conversion to change a fixed tongue trailer to one with a tilting deck.
  • These plans fit the Mechanical Elements Utility Trailers with a nominal 6′ and 6’10” Width — AND — 3500 lbs capacity.
  • Tilt Tongue Capacity is for 3500 lbs trailers.
  • Construction is steel for compatibility with the plans listed in the Description above.
  • Pivoting allows a full range — tongue on the ground, and trailer tail on the ground.
  • Works with both Leaf Spring style suspension and with Torsion Axles.
  • Works with both Straight Axles and 4″ Drop Axles.
  • “Gravity Tilt” includes a simple mechanical pivot.  Plans show how to make the action smooth, and get the fit right.
  • Uses a hitch pin for travel security.  You may add other options like a spring latches if desired.
  • Blueprints include all the detail needed to change the base trailer plans into tilt trailer plans.
  • A material list includes notes about changes from the base trailer.
  • Note, we don’t know how this will fit trailer plans from other vendors.  We recommend you build this tilt top conversion with a trailer specified above from Mechanical Elements.

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More About The Design Features

More About The Design Features

This is a simple design that’s easy to implement.  Simply make the tongue of these plans instead of the tongue from the main trailer plans.  Attach the tilting tongue as shown in these plans.  All the detail for the conversion is in these Tilt Trailer plans.  They show all the changes needed in step by step instructions.

For the trailers one cross member is added.  For others, one cross member is replaced.  The rest of the trailer design remains basically the same.  Of course, the tongue is changed, and the pivot supporting parts are added.  All the detail is in the plans.

If a Tilt Top is an option you want, this is an easy way to get it.

The great thing is, most of the options in the trailer plans still work with this tilt tongue.  (One exception, the under trailer ramp storage is not compatible.)

For more info on designing these blueprints, please read the Tilting Conversion Announcement.

Conversion in Action

Construction requires metal cutting, drilling, and welding.  Basically the same tools and skills required to build the trailer it goes with.

Good luck with your project !!

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