Are you ever scared by what you see in tow rolling along down the highway? I am often surprised at the contraptions that pass for legal. They’re funny, but not. Anyway, this page is for you to help make a collection of photos for a few good laughs — Scary trailers on the road.
We see a wide variety of trailers – from high-end RV’s and awesome equipment trailers – to Rattle Traps waiting for just the right bump to disintegrate! Of course, there’s everything between as well. While we don’t really like to drive behind them, rattle traps are fun to see — if for no other reason than to shake our heads in amazement. Or, maybe disbelief.
I can’t do much about them, so we might as well get a little laugh. Please send me your best fun shots of scary trailers on the road.
They might be a trailer instead of a truck, but that isn’t an excuse. Yep, I think we need some photos here to share the stimulation.
Please Contribute!
Upload your best shots of trailers just waiting for a moment of disaster. I call them “Rattle Traps”, but I’m sure there are better descriptors. Use the upload tool on the Customer Submissions Page, then we’ll have some fun showing each other the crazy things we see in tow. Feel free to add a comment, a little humor, or a scary thought. Hopefully you don’t come upon any real disasters.
A Trailers “Conversion” That Should Not Be On The Road
I’ll start it off with this unique boat trailer turned utility trailer. Gotta hand it to the builder in using the things that were available, but I also have to question the sanity of what they came up with. I’m glad it is parking alongside the road instead of seeing it out in traffic. While it is an eye catcher, it scares my brain.
Perhaps the scariest part is the license plate. Nothing is wrong with the plate itself, but the implication that this trailer is licensed for use on the road. I’m pretty sure as a boat trailer it was OK, but like this . . . ?
Well, I don’t think they have an issue with the tongue load being too light! How about those tires? While they only look small at first glance, the different sizes leave me with even more concern. Is the left one a go-cart wheel? Creativity? Maybe, but it actually reminds me a lot of another creative DIY pack trailer. What do you think?
Too Shaky
This little trailer caught my eye with the shaky and twisty action when one wheel went over a bump. I thought I might all fall apart right there in front of me. I hurried to catch it, but by the time I got the camera out we were at the stop light and I had to turn. Sorry I didn’t get a video, but take my word for it, this is one of those little trailers you don’t want to follow on the road.
Nice truck, good job securing the load, but scary trailer. Enjoy.
6 Axle Trailers On The Road
Submitted by a customer (Thank You), this is a photo he says circulated in the news in his area. From the shadows under the trailer, it appears it is missing both wheels on the drivers side. Perhaps both hubs too, judging from the complete lack of any shadow there. Well, this is one way to take your trailer when you have flats or missing wheels?!? Not.
Oh, don’t worry about emptying out the trailer, those casters will handle both the speed and the load! Wow. Another one to shake your head at and smile. Enjoy.
Now It’s Your Turn
Now it’s your turn to submit something fun – or scary – that likely pushes the boundaries of risk for other drivers. What trailers on the road might be better put to rest? Take a photo and submit it here as a customer story. Then, please let us know in the description that it’s a “Rattle Trap Trailer On The Road“. We’ll post the shots on this page as a wall of shame so everyone can have nightmares while they sleep. Photos and videos are both good, and encouraged.
Please include all the weird and wonderful. Although we say trailers, tow vehicles that are obviously not up to the task are also fair game. We want to see it all.
Thank you, in advance for all the photos, the videos, the comments and the fun. I’m looking forward to seeing your scary trailers on the road.
Have a Wonderful Day!